Analytical Psychology

Some Images of the Analyst's Participation in the Analytic Process

Originally published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology, vol. 42, no. 1, 1997. Reprinted with permission.

Only Connect

"Jung and his magnificent both-and!" In these words Swedish author Claes Janssen (1) summarizes a central story line in C. G. Jung's work, his insistence that we not only accept the opposites but connect them, even welcome them....

Shadow-Boxing: Wrestling with Romantic Partners

Shadow-Boxing: Wrestling with Romantic Partners
Romancing the Shadow: A Guide to Finding Gold in the Dark Side

In a famous Greek myth of romance, Eros insists that Psyche make love to him in the dark. Like Eros, many of us want to remain hidden when our passions loosen the reins of the ego's control. We long to know the Other, but not to be known. We ask probing questions, but reply with half answers. In a myriad of ways, we run from being seen and avoid becoming vulnerable, disguised in tight personas and baggy clothes, hiding in sordid addictions and clandestine habits.

The Bewitchery of Medusa. Fibromyalgia: Parallelism Between Myth and Illness

Psyche the soul, our soul. All kind of events take place in it and in the beginning the opposites live together in harmony. Up and down, right and left, light and darkness, love and indifference, god and evil, masculine and feminine, and so on. In our souls exists all that we human beings have experienced over and over again since the very beginning of human existence on Earth, and this wisdom becomes visible through several expressions including dreams, art, myths and in some cases a physical illness. When people are ill, there is for them an opportunity to find out what is going on deep in their souls because, frequently, a physical illness is an expression of a wound in the soul.

Jung and Alcoholics Anonymous

The following information on the origins of Alcoholics Anonymous has been provided by Roger Heydt of Pennsylvania.