Analytical Psychology

Evidence of Jungian Themes in the Lyrics of a Contemporary Band, Incubus

Matthew Clark proclaims his essay, which is an attempt to extrude archetypal themes from Incubus song lyrics, is an exercise in the science of interpretation, hermeneutics. Clark does not claim to purport a singular, definitive interpretation of these songs, but does seek to look at innately subject material in an impersonal and objective fashion.

The End of Civilization: Did Jung Underestimate the Significance of His Own Dreams?

Jung ended his mentorship with Freud in 1913, and in this article, John Goldhammer ventures that it was at that juncture that Jung’s dreams, particularly those related to World War I, were even more potent and relevant than Jung himself realized. Goldhammer then analyzes a dream of Jung's to defend this argument. 


Demon in the Rose

Dimitri Halley interprets a poem, "Demon in the Rose," which appeared in a dream to a man suffering from several somatic conditions, and he explores the compensatory relation of the shadow to the conscious orientation of the self. 

Mind Over Myth? The Divided Self in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath

Maria Theresa Ib explores the inspirational sources and poetic methodology of Sylvia Plath's poetry through an examination of Plath's undergraduate thesis, The Magic Mirror: A Study of the Double in Two of Dostoevsky's Novels.


The Declaration is in English, Catalan, and Spanish.