Analytical Psychology

Money and the Spiritual Warrior

Jungian analyst Bernice Hill explores the history and contemporary appearance of the warrior archetype in America and discovers the ways that the spiritual warrior's relationship with money can be empowering and transformative. 

On Jung's Solution to the End of Meaning

Dolores Brien continues her examination of Wolfgang Giegerich's essay "The End of Meaning and the Birth of Man" in this latest collection of posts to her weblog "A Jungian Notebook."

Today's Magnum Opus of the Soul

In an essay originally published in The Round Table Review, Dolores Brien explores Wolfgang Giegerich's challenging reexamination of the individuation process and the true "great work" of the contemporary soul.

Desire, Fascination, and the Other: Some Thoughts on Jung's Interest in Rider Haggard's 'She'

In this essay, previously published in Harvest, Sue Austin traces the political dimensions of Jung's notion of the archetype and explores the power/love opposition which is tightly sewn into much of the performance of gender in the West.

Reflections on Giegerich’s "End of Meaning"