A quick update on current projects at The Jung Page.

A user gently pointed out this week that the newsflash portion of this site has not been updated in some time, so I thought I'd offer a quick update on the current projects underway for the site. We just completed a major software transition from Mambo to Joomla, which likely will be transparent to users but will hopefully allow me more control and flexibility. I want to thank Don Williams for encouraging me to make the transition and for blazing the trail, and Joe LeBlanc for completing all the actual grunt work involved .

I'll be sending out the second email update to the general emailing list in the next week or so. Canadian analyst and author Jan Bauer has given us permission to post "The Mysteries of Money," a lecture she delivered here in Houston last October, as the first streaming audio to be featured at The Jung Page. In the last two weeks, I've posted several articles, and I have both originals and reprinted articles in the hopper, at various stages of readiness for posting.

I've also begun testing the online educational software package Moodle, with the intention to begin offering continuing education classes online in the not-too-distant future. Over the next couple of years, The Jung Center hopes to secure approval from licensing board outside of Texas to offer continuing education credit for online courses. If you are not familiar with The Jung Center, I encourage you to visit our site at www.junghouston.org. We offer nearly 200 courses, lectures, workshops, conferences, and other special events, many of which bear continuing education credit for mental health professional licensed by the state of Texas (currently, we are pre-approved by the licensing boards for professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers). 

As ever, I encourage you to contact me directly with any questions or suggestions. You can catch me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or you can feel free to call me at 713.524.8253.  I do my best to reply to correspondence in a timely manner, but sometimes I'm busy on other projects for The Jung Center and emails do fall through the cracks - don't hesitate to resend your inquiry if you do not hear back from me.

Sean Fitzpatrick, Webmaster
The Jung Page