Daryl Sharp, Jungian analyst, publisher of Inner City Books, and author of many titles in that series (including the Jung Lexicon, which he generously allows us to make available at no cost on this site), will be celebrated in a party on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2010. Click the title above to learn more about this event.

The C. G. Jung Foundation of Ontario
and the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts
invite you to a party honouring


at Hart House Debates Room, University of Toronto
from 3 to 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 12, 2010.

Cost: $20.00/person
(To cover cost of food and gifts. Thank You.)
Cash Bar.

Please RSVP by November 30 to Catherine Johnson at 416-961-9767, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Cheques to be made out to the C.G. Jung Foundation of Ontario and sent to
223 St. Clair Ave West., Third Floor, Toronto, ON  M4V 1R3

Jungians are a pretty intuitive bunch, and a group of us has intuited that it’s high time to honour our friend in this way.  The realization came later that it’s also the 30th anniversary of Inner City Books!

Daryl returned to Toronto from Zurich in 1978, started a thriving analytic practice, co-founded OAJA with Fraser Boa and Marion Woodman in 1979 and established his highly successful publishing house in 1980.  Inner City Books has to date sold over a million copies of books by Jungian analysts!  Daryl has been a gracious and forthright friend, mentor, analyst and support to countless people, often giving, yet seldom in the spotlight.

We hope you will join us in honouring Daryl
on December 12!

BOOK PROJECT:  One of the group gifts is, yes, a book!  We invite you to share your reminiscences and anecdotes of our esteemed colleague, possibly illustrated with photos and perhaps even your cartoons or artwork (b/w).  Contributions of any kind to this project will be much appreciated even if you are unable to attend on December 12.  Please send material to Caroline Duetz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 35 Courcelette Road, Toronto, ON  M1N 2S9 (416-469-2423) by November 8.   

Financial contributions for the Book Project or other gifts will also be gladly received.   Cheques for this purpose to be made payable to the C.G. Jung Foundation of Ontario at 223 St. Clair Ave West, Third Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1R3. Please note ‘Book Project’ on your cheque. Thank you.