CGJungPage Membership allows you to conduct searches, to view the full text of all articles, to post events to the calendar, to submit your favorite weblinks, and more.

To become a member, click the PayPal donation button, make a $10 credit card payment for 6 months' access to the site, and complete the member registration process. When you login with your UserName and Password, you will see a User Menu in the left hand column. Use this menu to edit your Profile and to access the other features available to members. 

Note: if you do not receive a working UserName and Password within 12 hours, please notify Don Williams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

CGJungPage Membership allows you to conduct searches, to view the full text of all articles, to post events to the calendar, to submit your favorite weblinks, and more. The CGJungPage has been online since the beginning of the web and has been the best single source on the internet for all things Jungian since 1995. It's creator and editor, Don Williams, is a member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian  Analysts.

To become a CGJungPage member, click the PayPal donation button, make a $10 credit card payment for 6 months' access to the site, and complete the member registration process. It will take 10 minutes to 10 hours to issue your UserName and Password by e-mail--depending on the time of day or night when notification of your payment arrives and when we are in the office. We should be able to automate this entire process shortly so that you receive your login information immediately. If you do not receive a working UserName and Password within 10 hours, please notify Don Williams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

When you login with your UserName and Password, you will see a User Menu in the left hand column. Use this menu to edit your profile and password and to access the other features available to members. You are requested to use the User Menu to change your password to one that only you know; if you forget your password later, you can request a new one automatically.

Please note that you are making a one-time payment--your credit card will NOT be billed 6 months from your registration date. You will, however, receive an e-mail in approximately 6 months asking you if you would like to renew your membership.

The photo Gallery is now being repopulated and new photos will be appearing soon. If you have some photos that you think belong in the Gallery, you can send them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Unfortunately, during a software upgrade we lost approximately 100 articles. We are in the process of reformatting them for the website at the same time that we are adding new articles and reviews.

Among the articles lost were 10 of the Abstracts of the Collected Works. These will be returned to the website as soon as possible.

We have added a Documents selection to the main menu and will be adding items in MSWord or PDF that can be downloaded--conference brochures, for instance, and articles in PDF. Some articles will be available for download but the selection will only visible to registered members who have logged in.

Among the documents available to all you will find the Summer Program of the International School for Jungian Psychology in Zurich. ISAP is a new, IAAP certified training institute in Switzerland, one that is separate from the familiar Kusnacht institute. For more information, download the program and the schedule of public lectures and check the news item about ISAP on the CGJungPage frontpage.

A section with books and links to Amazon has been added to the Main Menu and it will be growing in the weeks to come.

That's all for now but I will add more information here as it becomes available.

Thanks for becoming a member!

Don Williams
(for the Jung team)