Analytical Psychology

CONTRIBUCIONES al simbolismo del lado oscuro de la psique

En esta época de crisis, en la que toda una civilización ha de tomar consciencia de su sombra, para emerger de la obscuridad en la que se halla inmersa, comienzan a darse los primeros vestigios de manifestaciones de integración.

Consciousness and Reality: A stable-dynamic model based on Jungian psychology

The aim of this article is to illustrate a new and daring approach for the organization of some basic components from Jungian Psychology, tentatively paired with concepts from Physics and Philosophy.

Skepticism, Meaning and Synchronicity

Whenever I talk with people about concepts like God, meditation, prayer, reincarnation or other metaphysical topics I am always amazed by their heedless willingness to rush to belief.


Panel Discussion on Psychological Authority at the October 26-30, 1994, conference of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts at Asheville, North Carolina

What is Jung About? and What Does it Mean to Me?

This article is based on a talk given September 27, 1998 to the Round Table Associates, an organization in the Philadelphia area that has been devoted to the study of Jungian ideas for the past 30 years.