Natural Bridge is the journal of the MFA program of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and for this special issue, a wide range of submissions inspired by dreams will be welcome.

Natural Bridge no. 14
Special Issue: Dreams

Natural Bridge is the journal of the MFA program of the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Natural Bridge #14 will be a special issue on Dreams, guest-edited by Howard Schwartz.

A wide range of submissions inspired by dreams will be welcome—poems and prose poems, as well as many kinds of fiction: short stories, micro-fiction, fables, parables. Essays somehow engaging the theme of dreams are invited. Translations, as is always the case at Natural Bridge, are also welcome.

One unusual aspect of this issue will be a section on great dreams. Dreams are mysterious, evocative, and meaningful, even if we’re not sure what they mean. If you keep a dream journal, you might select out several dreams that you feel are exceptionally vivid and submit those. If you know of someone who is a great dreamer, please pass on this invitation to them. As always, the editors also invite submissions of poetry, fiction, essays, and translations of a general nature, unrelated to this theme, for a portion of the magazine.

While the usual submission period for this issue is July 1-August 31, 2005, this deadline will be extended until October 1, 2005 for those receiving this call for submissions. In your cover letter, please list the works submitted and indicate whether they are meant to be read for the Dreams sections of the issue. You might mention if some of the works are directly based on dreams. Those receiving this letter may send email submissions. In that case, please send the files as Word attachments. One attachment for a group of poems, and individual attachments for stories. Do not paste submission into the message. Please send your submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with a copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please title the message “NB Dream Issue—Solicitation.”  If you prefer to mail in your submissions, send them to Howard Schwartz, Guest Editor, Natural Bridge, Dept. of English, University of Missouri-St. Louis, One University Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63121. Include an SASE and an e-mail address. Also be sure to include a bio note.

If you have questions, please contact Howard Schwartz: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  You may share this invitation with other writers you feel may have good material to submit. Feel free, too, to visit us on the web:

We’re looking forward to your submissions.

Best Wishes,

Howard Schwartz
Department of English
University of Missouri-St. Louis
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Kenneth E. Harrison, Jr.
Editor, Natural Bridge
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