A decade ago, Jungian Analyst Don Williams had the vision and the will to create and sustain The Jung Page. Dons heroic commitment has served all who seek a larger understanding of the psyche well. In turning over the management of the website to the Jung Center of Houston, Don has also transferred a responsibility which we shall honor by equal commitment. As staff time permits, we expect to expand the services of this non-profit website. We welcome your suggestions, and look forward to furthering the dialogue which this website makes possible.
A decade ago, Jungian Analyst Don Williams had the vision and the will to create and sustain The Jung Page. Dons heroic commitment has served all who seek a larger understanding of the psyche well. In turning over the management of the website to the Jung Center of Houston, Don has also transferred a responsibility which we shall honor by equal commitment. As staff time permits, we expect to expand the services of this non-profit website. We welcome your suggestions, and look forward to furthering the dialogue which this website makes possible.
James Hollis,
Jungian Analyst
Executive Director
The Jung Center of Houston
Don has given the Jungian community a great gift over the last ten years. It has been made with love and with little public notice of the effort involved. Over the past few months, as weve prepared for this transition, Ive gotten a small glimpse of this effort. What visitors to The Jung Page dont see are the countless hours Don has spent responding to requests for information, wrangling with HTML and the new content management software, editing and posting submissions, communicating with authors. And he has done this with limited support and by taking on almost all costs himself.
I am one of many who are grateful to him for his efforts. My first visit to this site happened some time in 1997, when I was researching Jung for a graduate seminar, and I have returned often since. This site, along with Matthew Clapps late, lamented Jung Index, introduced me to a thrilling (and often bewildering) tangle of ideas about the self and the world that continue to shape my life.
By collecting and lovingly maintaining this tangle, Don has helped to build community. I want to thank him and the hundreds of Jung Page writers who have contributed to the site over the last ten years. We are grateful for this gift, and we hope that The Jung Center can contribute meaningfully to the ongoing conversation about psychology, culture, and life. Thank you for your support of this project, and please feel free to contact us with your ideas and suggestions for the future of The Jung Page.
Sean Fitzpatrick
Webmaster and Director of Community Services
The Jung Center of Houston
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