Cockroaches and Creator Gods: An Archetypal Dream Exploration

Clinical psychologist Tiffany Baugher reflects on the ways the numinous power of divine creativity can lurk in the rejected, the strange, and the awe-ful in this essay.

A Psychoanalytic Look at "Lars and the Real Girl"

The 2007 film Lars and the Real Girl serves as a fine introduction to the enduring insights of British psychologist D.W. Winnicott, in this review by psychoanalytic psychologist Margaret Jordan.

Winnicott's Dream: Some Reflections on D.W. Winnicott and C.G. Jung

In this article, originally published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology, David Sedgwick examines D.W. Winnicott's famous review of Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections and explores the psychological effect the reviewing process had on Winnicott himself.

Tracking the Hermit's Soul: A Jungian Reading of Bhartrihari's Satakatraya

In this essay, Mathew Spano illuminates the vital poetry of fifth century Indian poet Bhartrihari using a Jungian critical lens.

The Medicine Wheel as a Symbol of Native American Psychology

Timothy Thomason explores how balance and harmony appear in Native American ideas about psychological health in this essay.