In this lecture, we will use biblical stories to illuminate some of the rules, principles, and essentials of what makes for successful and satisfying relationships. 

Why do we struggle to connect with others, including the most important people in our lives? The path to a meaningful life begins with engagement - with our inner life, work, and significant others. Our relationships, however, are often less than engaging. We feel dissatisfied, lonely, and empty even - or perhaps especially - when we are in relationships. In this lecture, we will use biblical stories to illuminate some of the rules, principles, and essentials of what makes for successful and satisfying relationships.

Cultivating Satisfying Relationships: Through the Lens of Biblical Stories
Instructor: Anna Guerra
Thursday, March 4
6:30 0m - 8 pm CST
1.5 CE Hours
$20 ($15 Jung Center Members)
Register here!

Anna Guerra, JD, MA, LPC, is a depth psychotherapist in Houston with emphasis and training in Jungian psychology. She holds degrees in philosophy, law, and clinical psychology. She is a frequent lecturer at The Jung Center and taught a two-year extensive introduction to Jung and analytical psychology.