Psicología y Astrología

Ante la exposición que a continuación se presenta, en la que se indagan algunas de las relaciones existentes entre la psicología analítica, la Alquimia, el gnosticismo y, sobre todo, la Astrología es menester realizar una introducción a fin de orientar al lector que no pertenezca al oficio de la psicología.

I Ching as the Model of the Psyche

Here the more energetic hexagrams of the I Ching can be seen as representing the extended model of the psyche, while the more static hexagrams would better correspond to Jung's classical, simpler model of the psyche.

The Opus of Bob Dylan

The many-faceted opus of Bob Dylan is structured by the same basic mythologem as the Bible, especially the Second Isaiah and the Revelation.

Love is a Life-or-Death Matter

Who has not felt at times that love is a deadly passion? Therefore "Love is a Life or Death Matter" is a very adequate title of the first part of Valerie Harms' book "The Inner Lover", subtitled: "Using passion as a way to self-empowerment".

Animal Guides

A review of Neil Russack's: Animal Guides In Life, Myth and Dreams, An Analyst's Notebook; Inner City Books, Toronto 2002 by Doris Norrgaard