Analytical Psychology

Been There, Done That: Virtual vs. Ritual Repetition

Using the 1993 film Groundhog Day, Daniel Budd explores how our daily rhythms, or "virtual repetitions," provide structure for our lives - but can also carry deadening, de-humanizing consequences.

Moving Foward

William Clough reflects on the inescapable effects of globalism - conflict and change - and outlines strategies for addressing cultural and religious difference in this essay.

Jung's Unpublished Works: News from the Philemon Foundation

Learn about the most recent efforts to bring Jung's vast unpublished works to print, as the Philemon Foundation offers this first in an occasional series of updates on its vital work.

Reflections on Shame, Dissociation, and Eating Disorders

 In this article, Philip M. Bromberg explores the context and causes of eating disorders. Individuals who suffer with eating disorders experience a lack of human relatedness, and Bromberg asserts that trust, destroyed by trauma, must be repaired in order for a patient's symptoms to be surrendered.



Analyst James Shultz explores shame from a Jungian perspective and argues that, by recognizing and acknowledging shame, we can stop defending ourselves against it and open a window on the shadow.