Analytical Psychology

The Analytic Experience

You can appreciate the scope of Jung’s work, and you can read everything he ever wrote, but the real opportunity offered by analytical psychology only becomes apparent when you go into analysis. That’s when Jung’s potentially healing message stops being merely an interesting idea and becomes an experiential reality.

The Objective Consciousness Revisited - Understanding the Nature of Consciousness

In a significant revision of his earlier article "The Objective Consciousness," Robert Heyward explores the fundamental foundations of consciousness and the primal duality of subject and object.

Forward to the I Ching

Jung took a particular interest in this work from the East. He was personal friends with Wilhielm and Jung joined several other German critics in hailing this work as a major and important translation. This introduction gives an insightful overview by Jung, who spent several summers casting the yarrow stalks himself.

The Meaning of Individuation

The chapters in this volume were originally written as lectures given at the Eranos Meeting at Ascona, Switzerland. A number of scholars from different fields of knowledge meet there annually to discuss certain topics of human interest. My contributions represent the psychological aspect of the problems under discussion, and turn upon a question of peculiar interest-the-so-called process of individuation.

Archetypal UFO Research - An Introduction

Since the explosion of the first atomic bomb in 1945, reports of UFO encounter and abduction have increased at an exponential rate. Further, more and more people begin to have the distinct feeling that the development of the atomic bomb and the appearance of UFO phenomena somehow belong together. If so, the question arises whether UFOs are physically real. The answer is: yes and no.